lesson plan | what makes a great leader

target audience: adult learners at an advanced (CEFR C1) level


  • to provide Ss with listening and speaking practice around the topic of effective leadership

materials: teacher's notes, student's worksheet, and slides

Hi there! πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍🏫

Ever had a boss that sucked? Well, join the club. 🀷‍♂️ And what about a great leader? Ever met one of those?

This conversation lesson, based on a video from the Harvard Business Review channel on Youtube, is designed to get students talking about what great leaders are like as they discuss how the notion of effective leadership has evolved over the years and the kind of skills required of great leaders in a modern organizational context.

This lesson offers plenty of speaking and listening practice and might be especially appealing in a more "businessy" context, though I personally believe any working professionals would enjoy this discussion even if you're teaching a General English or conversation class.

πŸ“Œ Click here to save a copy of the lesson plan to your Google Drive

You're free to edit the materials however you like and, needless to say, feedback is always welcome! ;)

Photo by Miguel Á. PadriñÑn @ Pexels.com


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