lesson plan | dreams

target audience: (young) adult learners at CEFR B2 level


  • to provide Ss with speaking and reading practice around the topic of dreams and their possible meanings

  • to provide practice of expressions for referencing a reading source

  • to provide practice of expressions for suggesting tentative interpretations

materials: teacher's notes, student A's worksheet, student B's worksheet, and slides

Hi there! 👨🏻‍🏫

Ever dreamed of showing up to school naked or showing up late to something? These are dreams that many of us are likely to have had, but what could these dreams possibly mean? 

In this conversation lesson, based on an article from Mental Floss, students are given the opportunity to learn about and discuss the possible meaning of twelve dreams that most people are likely to have experienced at some point in their lives.

The lesson plan includes a jigsaw reading activity, which allows them to practice their reading and speaking skills. Also, students get to practice useful language for referencing a reading source (e.g., according to the article..., the author explains that..., etc.) as well as "tentative" language to suggest possible interpretations (e.g., this can represent..., this might indicate..., etc.).

📌 Click here to save a copy of the lesson plan to your Google Drive

You're free to edit the materials however you like and, needless to say, feedback is always welcome! ;)

Photo by Ron Lach @ Pexels.com


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