lesson plan | how to spot a liar

target audience: (young) adult EFL/ESL learners at an advanced level (CEFR B2+/C1)


  • to practice language for expressing opinion, agreeing, and disagreeing

materials: teacher's notes,
student’s worksheet, video, and slides

Hi there! 👨🏻‍🏫

Are you good at lying? What about at spotting lies?

In this conversation lesson, students have the opportunity to share their views on lying as they watch a trailer for a TV show in which liars are rewarded for their skilfull use of treachery and deceit and then go on to read an article with tips on what to watch out for when they believe they are being lied to.

The lesson includes listening, speaking, and reading practice and it also helps students practice functional language to express opinion, agreement, and disagreement.

📌 Click here to save a copy of the lesson plan to your Google Drive

You're free to edit the materials however you like and, needless to say, feedback is always welcome! ;)

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash


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